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Showing posts from September, 2021

Kenapa Lucid Dream "BERBAHAYA"?

Begini Cara Mendapatkan Keuntungan Dari Referral Skill Academy

Halo semuanya, di sini gue mau berbagi sebuah informasi buat kalian semua yang lagi gabut, menikmati senja, atau mungkin lagi nunggu kopi adem. Ada informasi yang sangat menggiurkan buat kalian, terutama buat yang mau nambahin uang jajan tanpa harus ribet dan bisa dilakuin sambil rebahan, gimana? tertarik? Yuk langsung aja disimak. Buat kalian yang baru lolos prakerja dan bingung mencari pelatihan, kalian bisa coba pelatihan di Skill Academy. Di Skill Academy juga ada sebuah program yaitu #ReferralSkillAcademy atau Teman Skill Academy. Apa itu Referral Skill Academy? Dan gimana cara buat gabung atau ikut serta dalam Referral Skill Academy? Apa aja untungnya? Sabar dulu kita bahas satu-satu. Referral Skill Academy adalah sebuah program dari Skill Academy yang diperuntukkan bagi peserta skill academy, baik yang baru bergabung maupun yang udah sepuh. Referral Skill Academy ini juga bisa disebut dengan Teman Skill Academy, kenapa disebut teman? Karena program ini bertujuan untuk mengajak ...

What Happened When You Open Your Eyes During Sleep Paralysis?

 Hello, Hydarnus here. In this article i'm gonna share my experience about sleep paralysis. As you may already know, sleep paralysis is not a great experience in life, it's probably the worse that can happen to yourself. So, without further ado let's talk about what happened in my experience. How do I get sleep paralysis? This might be one of your questions in the first place, so, I was learning about lucid dreaming, and after a while i'm able to do lucid dream, in one of my attempt to lucid dreaming, I don't know why I got the sleep paralysis. This first paralysis was truly a nightmare, but of course there's worse than nightmare. So, I remember this was the second time I get the sleep paralysis. Probably like other person would do after getting the first sleep paralysis, I was searching for articles that talks about it. And maybe I didn't search enough, so I just ignored it. And this was what happened to me in the second time I get sleep paralysis. So, I wa...